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宁国贵    博士,教授,博士生导师

男,1978年7月生,博士, 教授,博士生导师。2000年和2006年于华中农业大学分别获得林学专业学士学位和园林植物与观赏园艺专业博士学位。毕业留校从事教学与科研工作。2011-2012年,美国加州大学戴维斯分校(Uc-Davis)访问学者。主要讲授课程:《园林植物育种学》、《花卉学》、《花卉学教学实习》等课程。研究方向:园林植物遗传与育种。主要研究领域:园林植物细胞与分子生物学、芳香植物及其功能物质应用。研究具体涉及到(1)野蔷薇、月季和玫瑰(蔷薇科Rosaceae)等木本植物(2)矮牵牛和烟草(茄科Solanaceae)等草本植物型、色、香等方面的次生代谢物代谢。主要使用的研究方法涉及:生物信息学、比较与功能基因组、基因工程、转录与代谢组学、合成生物学等的方法。

Email: ggning@mail.hzau.edu.cn & whnobleman2004@aliyun.com

TEL: 027-87283061 (o)


国家自然科学基金评审专家。担任Bioinformatics, New Phytologist, Plant Biotechnology Journal, Communications Biology, Plant molecular biology, Plant science, Planta, 园艺学报等10多种国内外权威杂志审稿人。


1. 科技部国家重点研发计划:重要花卉种质资源精准评价与基因发掘(2019YFD1000400,项目主持人)

2. 国家自然科学基金:月季及其近缘种苯丙氨酸途径色香代谢关联的分子调控机制(31772343,项目主持人)。

3. 国家自然科学基金:月季液泡氢离子P-ATPase转运蛋白及其作用成色的分子机制(31572160,项目主持人)

4. 国家自然科学基金:月季及其近缘种MYB 不同类型转录因子的结构及功能研究(31171985,项目主持人)

5. 国家自然科学基金:梅花开花时间相关基因的克隆及其功能解析(30800761,项目主持人)

6. 科技部“十二五”863基金:月季、菊花、百合分子育种与品种创制(2011AA100208,月季子项目主持人) 

7. 瑞典国际科学基金:Shorting juvenility of Platanus acerifolia and Prunus mume via transformation using FT orthologs(D/4349-1,项目主持人)

8. 华中农业大学科技创新基金:月季及其近缘种质资源的功能基因组学和分子育种(2013PY038,项目主持人)

9. 华中农业大学科技创新基金:月季基因组草图绘制及重要功能基因解释(2662015PY112,项目主持人)

10. 国家自然科学基金项目:矮牵牛花器官发育的分子遗传分析及人工调控(30671477, 项目参加人)

11. 教育部博士点基金:表皮毛发育相关基因对烟草与矮牵牛花青素含量调控的机理研究(2008-2010,项目参加人)


1) Longlong Wang,Maria Carmen Rubio,Xian Xin,Baoli Zhang,Qiuling Fan,Qiang Wang,Guogui Ning,Manuel Becana, Deqiang Duanmu*. CRISPR/Cas9 knockout of leghemoglobin genes in Lotus japonicus uncovers their synergistic roles in symbiotic nitrogen fixation. New Phytologist, 2019,2:818-834(SCI)

2) Yuxiao Shen, Tingting Sun, Qi Pan, Nachaisin Anupol, Hai Chen, Jiewei Shi, Fang Liu, Duanmu Deqiang,Changquan Wang , Jian Zhao, Shuhua Yang, Caiyun Wang , Jihong Liu, Manzhu Bao, Guogui Ning* (Correspondence author). RrMYB5- and RrMYB10-regulated flavonoid biosynthesis plays a pivotal role in feedback loop responding to wounding and oxidation in Rosa rugosa. Plant Biotechnology Journal, 2019, 11:2078-2095(SCI)

3) Zhen Wang, Yuxiao Shen, Xiao Yang, Qi Pan, Guangying Ma, Manzhu Bao, Bo Zheng, Deqiang Duanmu, Rongcheng Lin, Robert M. Larkin, Guogui Ning* (correspondence author). Overexpression of particular MADS-Box transcription factors in heat-stressed plants induces chloroplast biogenesis in petals, Plant cell and environment, 2019,5:1545-1560(SCI封面论文)

4) Shubin Li, GuoqianYang, shuhuaYang, Jeremy Just, HuijunYan, Ningning Zhou, Hongying Jian, Qigang Wang, Min Chen, Xianqin Qiu, Hao Zhang, Xue Dong, Xiaodong Jiang, Yibo sun, Micai Zhong, Mohammed Bendahmane, Guogui Ning, Hong Ge*, Jin-Yong Hu*, Kaixue tang*. the development of a high-density genetic map signifcantly improves the quality of reference genome assemblies for rose. Scientific Reports,2019,9:5985(SCI)

5) Lixia Sheng, Wei Xia, Shu Zang, Yuqian Zeng, Xiaoyu Yuan, Guogui Ning, Shuncang Zhang, Liguo Feng*. Transcriptome‑sequencing analyses reveal putative genes related to fower color variation in Chinese Rosa rugosa. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2018, 40:62

6) Zhen Wang, Ruiguang Yang, Upendra Kumar Devisetty, Julin N. Maloof, Yang Zuo, Jingjing Li, Yuxiao Shen, Jian Zhao, Manzhu Bao, Guogui Ning*(Correspondence author).The divergence of flowering time modulating by FT/TFL1 is independent to interaction and binding activities. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2017,8:697 (SCI)

7) Guogui Ning*(Co-correspondence author), Xu Cheng, Ping Luo, Fan Liang, Zhen Wang, Guoliang Yu, Xin Li, Depeng, Wang, Manzhu Bao. Hybrid sequencing and map finding (HySeMaFi): optional strategies for extensively deciphering gene splicing and expression in organisms without reference genome. Scientific reports. 2016,7:43793 (SCI)

8) Ping Luo, Yuxiao Shen, Shuangxia Jin, Shasha Huang, Xu Cheng, Zhen Wang, Penghui Li, Jian Zhao, Manzhu Bao, Guogui Ning*(Correspondence author). Overexpression of Rosa rugosa anthocyanidin reductase enhances tobacco tolerance to abiotic stress through increased ROS scavenging and modulation of ABA signaling. Plant Science, 2016, 245:35-49 (SCI)

9) Ping Luo, Guogui Ning*(co-first author), Zhen Wang, Yuxiao Shen, Huanan Jin, Penghui Li, Shasha Huang, Jian Zhao, Manzhu Bao. Disequilibrium of flavonol synthase and dihydroflavonol-4-reductase expression associated tightly to white versus red color flower formation in plants. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2016, 6:1257 (SCI)

10) Yuxiao Shen, Wen Xing, Meng Ding, Manzhu Bao, Guogui Ning*(Correspondence author).Somatic Embryogenesis and Agrobacterium Mediated Genetic Transformation in Rosa Species. Somatic Embryogenesis in Ornamentals and Its Applications,2015, pp 169-185

11) Wen Xing, Ying Bao, Ping Luo, Manzhu Bao, Guogui Ning*(Correspondence author). An efficiency system to produce transgenic plants via cyclic leave-originated secondary somatic embryogenesis in Rosa rugosa. – An industrially important aromatic plant. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2014, DOI 10.1007/s11738-014-1578-9 (SCI)

12) Wen Xing, Zhen Wang, Xiuqing Wang, Manzhu Bao*, Guogui Ning*(Co-correspondence author). Over-expression of an FT homolog from Prunus mume reduces juvenile phase and induces early flowering in industrial oil rugosa rose. Scientia Horticulturae, 2014,172:68-72 (SCI)

13) Cheng Sun, Guoliang Yu, Manzhu Bao, Bo Zheng, Guogui Ning*(Correspondence author).Biological pattern and transcriptomic exploration and phylogenetic analysis in the odd floral architecture tree: Helwingia willd. BMC Research Notes,2014,7:402

14) Caixian Liu,Yanhong He, Tianyun Gou, Guogui Ning, Manzhu Bao. Identification of molecular markers associated with the double flower trait in Petunia hybrida. Scientia Horticulturae, 2016:43-50(SCI)

15) Xin Li, Guogui Ning, Xueping Han, Caixian Liu, Manzhu Bao*. Identification of PMADS3 interacted proteins implies it participates in post-transcriptional control. Gene, 2015,564:87-95 (SCI)

16)Yan He, Zuokun Yang, Ni Hong, Guoping Wang, Guogui Ning, Wenxing Xu. Deep sequencing reveals a novel closterovirus associated with wild rose leaf rosette disease. Molecular Plant Pathology,2014, doi: 10.1111/mpp.12202(SCI)

17) Yuanzheng Yue, Di Yang, Jian Sun, Hao Peng, Chaoqun Yin, Rui Guo, Guogui Ning, Huirong Hu. A Novel PhLRR Gene Promoter is Sufficient for Engineering Male Sterility in Petunia. Plant Mol Biol Rep. 2016, DOI 10.1007/s11105-016-0977-z(SCI)

18) Wang Z, Liu G, Bao M, Ning G*(Correspondence author). Randomly primed and ligation-independent PCR methods: High efficiency and cost effective strategies for genome walking and flanking sequence cloning. OA Biotechnology, 2013, 29:28(邀请综述)

19) Liao Liao, GuoGui Ning*(Co-first author), Cai-Xian Liu, Wei Zhang, Xiao Xiao, Man-Zhu Bao. The intron from the 5-UTR of the FBP11 gene in petunia displays promoter- and enhancer-like functions. Scientia Horticulturae, 2013, 154: 96–101(SCI)

20) Guogui Ning*(Co-correspondence author), Xiao Xiao, Haiyan Lv, Xin Li,Yang Zuo, Manzhu Bao*.Shortening tobacco life-cycle accelerates functional gene identification in genomic research. Plant biology, 2012, 14: 934-943 (SCI)

21) Zhen Wang, Shafei Ye, Jingjing Li, Bo Zheng, Manzhu Bao, Guogui Ning*(Correspondence author).Fusion primer and nested integrated PCR (FPNI-PCR): a new high-efficiency strategy for rapid chromosome walking or flanking sequence cloning. BMC Biotechnology, 2011, 11:109 doi: 10.1186/1472-6750-11-109(SCI)

22) Yanhong He, Guogui Ning*(Co-first author), Yalin Sun, Yanhu, Xingyu Zhao, Manzhu Bao. Cytological and mapping analysis of a novel male sterile type resulting from spontaneous floral organ homeoticconversion in marigold (Tagetes erecta L.). Mol Breeding,2010,DOI 10.1007/s11032-009-9372-x(SCI)

23) Liao Liao, Cai-Xian Liu, Guo-Gui Ning, Man-Zhu Bao. A pFBP6::BARNASE construct resulted in stigma and style ablation and floral abscission in transgenic tobacco. Plant molecular biology reporter, 2012, 30,1196-1203 (SCI)

24) Wen Xing, Manzhu Bao, Hongdao Qin, Guogui Ning*(Correspondence author). Micropropagation of Rosa Rugosa through axillary shoot proliferation. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia, 2010,52/2: 75–56(SCI)

25) G.G.Ning*, X.P. Shi, H.R Hu, Y.Yan, M.Z. Bao. .Development of a range of polyploid lines in Petunia hibrida and the relationship of ploidy with the single-/ double-flower trait. Hortscience, 2009,44(2):250-255(SCI)

26) G. G Ning*, S. P Bai, M. Z Bao, L. Liu. Factors affecting plantlet regeneration from in vitro cultured immature embryos and cotyledons of Prunus mume ‘Xue Mei'. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Biol.-Plant, 2007, 43: 95-100(SCI)

27)  G.G Ning*, M.Z Bao.Plant regeneration from callus derived from immature embryo cotyledons of Prunus mume. HortScience, 2007, 42(3): 744-747(SCI)

28) G.G NING*, X.L FAN, W.J HUANG, M.Z BAO, J.B. Micropropagation of six Prunus mume cultivars through high-frequency axillary shoots proliferation and ISSR analysis of cloned plants. Acta Biologica Cracoviensia, 2007,49(1):25-31(SCI)

29) Ying Bao, Guofeng Liu, Xueping Shi, Wen Xing, Guogui Ning, Juan Liu, Manzhu Bao. Primary and repetitive secondary somatic embryogenesis in Rosa hybrida ‘Samantha’ Plant cell, tissue &organ culture,2012,109,411-418(SCI)

30) Shijia Luo, Yanhong He, Guogui Ning, Jiaqi Zhang, Guangying Ma and Manzhu Bao. Genetic diversity and genetic structure of different populations of the endangered species Davidia involucrata in China detected by inter-simple sequence repeat analysis. Trees,2011, DOI: 10.1007/s00468-011-0581-7(SCI)
31)Zhang, J. G. Liu, C. Guo, Y. He, Z. Li, G. Ning, X. Shi & M. Bao. The FLOWERING LOCUS T orthologous gene of Platanus acerifolia is expressed as alternatively spliced forms with distinct spatial and temporal patterns. Plant biology, 2010, doi:10.1111/j.1438-8677.2010.00432.x(SCI)

32) Shi XP, Dai XG, Liu GF, Zhang JW, Ning GG, Bao MZ. Cyclic secondary somatic embryogenesis and efficient plant regeneration in camphor tree (Cinnamomum camphora L.). In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Plant, 2010, DOI 10.1007/ s11627-009-9272-0(SCI)

33) Guangying Ma, Guogui Ning, RuihuaPang, JingZhan, XinLi,WeiZhang, Manzhu Bao. Analysis of the Petunia hybrida double flower transcriptome using suppression subtractive hybridization. Scientia Horticulturae, 2011 ,127:398-404 (SCI)

34) Guangying Ma, Guogui Ning, Wei Zhang, Jing Zhan, Haiyan Lv, Manzhu Bao.Overexpression of Petunia SOC1-like Gene FBP21 in Tobacco Promotes Flowering Without Decreasing Flower or Fruit Quantity. Plant Mol Biol Rep, 2010,DOI 10.1007/s11105-010-0263-4(SCI)

35) Wei Zhang, Guogui Ning, Haiyan Lv, Liao Liao, Manzhu Bao. Single MYB-type transcription factor AtCAPRICE: A new efficient tool to engineer the production of anthocyanin in tobacco. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 2009,388(4):742-747(SCI)

36) Y.H. He, G.G. Ning, Y.L. Sun, Y.C. Qi and M.Z. Bao.Identification of a SCAR marker linked to a recessive male sterile gene(Tems) and its application in breeding of marigold (Tagetes erecta L.). Plant breeding,2009, 128: 92-96 (SCI)

37) W.J. Huang, G.G. Ning, G.F. Liu, M.Z. Bao. Determination of genetic stability of long-term micro-propagated plantlets of Platanus acerifolia using ISSR markers. Biologia Plantarum ,2009,1: 159-163 (SCI)

38) XiaoPeng Fu, GuoGui Ning, LiPing Gao, ManZhu Bao .Genetic diversity of Dianthus accessions based on molecular marker systems (SRAPs and ISSRs) and morphological traits. Scientia Horticulturae, 2008,113:263-270 (SCI)

39) Y. M. Ye J. W. Zhang G. G. Ning & M. Z. Bao. A comparative analysis of the genetic diversity between inbred lines of Zinnia elegans using morphological traits and RAPD and ISSR markers. Scientia Horticulturae, 2008,118:1-7(SCI)

40) 邢文,包满珠, 包颖, 丁萌, 傅小鹏, 宁国贵*. 玫瑰器官发生再生途径的作用因素研究.华中农业大学学报,2013,(出版)

41) 丁萌,申玉晓,傅小鹏,包满珠,宁国贵*.野蔷薇叶片直接再生的影响因素研究.2012,华中农业大学学报,出版

42) 宁国贵,吕海燕,张俊卫,包满珠.梅花不同外植体离体培养及体细胞胚诱导植株再生. 园 艺 学 报, 2010,1:114-120

43) 宁国贵,白三平,包满珠,黄文俊.矮牵牛细胞的长期离体培养及再生植株的 ISSR 分析. 中国农业科学.2007,40(7):1479-1485

44) 宁国贵,包满珠.矮牵牛一种新花器官突变体的表型与解剖结构特征分析.园艺学报, 2006, 5:1121-1124.

45) 宁国贵,代色平,包满珠,沈宝仙. 矮牵牛S4代13个自交系主要性状分析 中南林学院学报, 2003, 23(5): 76-79

46) 包颖,张蔚,邢文,宁国贵,包满珠. MYB家族基因CPC在月季中的遗传转化研究. 中国科技论文在线,2012, 201201-763

47) 邢文,张蔚,包颖,宁国贵,包满珠.植物类黄酮生物合成的MYB转录因子研究进展.中国科技论文在线,2012, 201201-789

48) 王文恩,包满珠,张俊卫,刘国锋,宁国贵,尹少华.狗牙根辐射诱变后代变异植株的形态特征比较和ISSR分析. 草业科学,2009,26(12):139-145

49) 吕海燕,宁国贵,胡惠蓉,包满珠.矮牵牛突变自交系离体培养及变异植株稳定性观察. 华中农业大学学报,2009, 28(6): 746-749

50) 齐迎春, 宁国贵,包满珠.应用 ISSR 分子标记和表型性状评价孔雀草自交系的遗传关系. 中国农业科学.2007,40(6): 1236-1241


1) 宁国贵;包颖;包满珠;邢文;刘国锋;施雪萍。一种获得月季‘萨曼莎’转基因植株的方法;专利号: ZL 2011 1 0099816.0

2) 宁国贵;邢文;包满珠;包颖。玫瑰再生为完整植株的方法;专利号:ZL 2011 1 0099811.8

3) 宁国贵;邢文;包满珠;包颖。农杆菌介导的玫瑰遗传转化方法;专利号: ZL 2011 1 0202403.0

4) 宁国贵;王桢; 邢文; 李晶晶; 左阳; 包满珠。月季开花调控基因RoFT在改变植物开花期的应用;专利号:ZL 201210551223.8

5) 宁国贵;邢文;包满珠;王秀卿;包颖。玫瑰转录因子基因RrMYB11在调控植物花型中的应用;专利号:ZL 201210540349.5

6) 宁国贵;罗平;包满珠;申玉晓;李泉江。玫瑰RrDFR1基因在调控植物花青素合成中的应用;专利号:ZL 201410180475.3

7) 宁国贵;罗平;包满珠;王祯;曹霞;史杰玮。利用无刺野蔷薇进行无根嫁接快速繁殖月季与玫瑰的方法;申请号:201310557333.X

8) 宁国贵;罗平;包满珠;王桢;肖晓。玫瑰功能基因RrFLS1在调控植物类黄酮代谢中的应用;申请号:201410019736.3

9) 宁国贵;罗平;包满珠;申玉晓;黄沙沙。玫瑰的花青素还原酶RrANR基因及其编码蛋白和应用;专利号:201510025206.4

10) 宁国贵;申玉晓;孙天晓;王桢;杜星;包满珠。合成类黄酮相关的人工合成转录因子Deep Purple Red及其促进类黄酮合成和调控植物花青素中的应用;专利号:201610506626.9

11) 包满珠;刘国锋;包颖;邢文;张俊卫;宁国贵;傅小鹏。未成熟种子为外植体的月季再生植株的方法; 专利号:ZL 2010 1 0256901.9

12) 包满珠;刘国锋;包颖;李贝;张俊卫;宁国贵;傅小鹏。以叶片为外植体的月季再生植株的方法; 专利号:ZL 2010 1 0256892.3

13) 高俊平;等;宁国贵;等等。四种重要花卉高效生产与流通关键技术研究应用。教育部科技进步一等奖。奖证编号:2015-170

14) 包满珠;等;宁国贵;等等。重要草花种质创新及新品种培育与应用。湖北省科技进步一等奖。奖证编号:2013J-226-1-034-002-R11


